Thanksgiving 2021

It has been a few years since we had the entire family together for Ryan’s side of the family. It happened at Thanksgiving! The Bourne’s made it from Idaho, the Lee’s arrived from Texas, and the Ross and Ryan Terry’s made the trek across town and down the street.

Rhonda had a few weeks to recover from chemo before everyone arrived. She was feeling a little bit better. It was a happy vibe that we were all together and she was healthy and done with cancer.

We were able to get the traditional mani/pedi trip in for the moms that wanted to go. Some of our daughters are now old enough to want to join us. It is getting hard to find a salon that can take us all at the same time!

There were many games played, feasts made and devoured, visiting and movie watching in abundance. The grandkids all loved seeing each other again and picked up right where they left off. That is the wonderful thing about cousins. A group of us went to see the new Disney movie Encanto together and another group of us went to iFly indoor skydiving. Lauren and I took turns playing the piano a lot. The picture of her playing and everyone on their device listening soon became everyone napping.

Grandma and Grandpa wanted a family picture of everyone so we made it happen. Lauren was our photographer. The other nine adults were her helper and advice givers. She tolerated us pretty well. I think we got some good pictures too.

Kris, Jake and Ross were all directing from the sidelines too but they saw me right before I took the picture and played it cool.

It was a fun, happy, successful Terry Family Thanksgiving!

My Mid Life Crisis

In an earlier post, I eluded to something that I was going to do for myself for my 40th birthday. Well, I did it! A lady at work mentioned she was getting her eyebrows done-microblading. I was talking with her about it and decided that I wanted to get mine done as well. So I had a consult and booked the appointment. I basically got a tattoo on my face!

Ryan happened to call me on my way home from the consult appointment and asked me what I was doing. I told him I had just gotten a consult for a tattoo…on my face. After a pause he asked me if I was serious and when I told him I was he said, “Well, this is the first I am hearing about this so why don’t you wait a month or so to make sure it is really something you want to do.” I laughed and told him that it was microblading for my eyebrows and explained what that was. He was relieved to know I wasn’t having a tear drop or the kids names put across my forehead. LOL!

I had my appointment and got it done a few weeks ago. They are still changing a little bit color-wise. It takes about 4 weeks for them to heal completely. Then I go in and have a touch up appointment and get any little spots fixed that I need. It took a little getting used to, I was a little nervous because the first two weeks they are really dark and seemed pretty harsh but I am really liking them now. They are supposed to last 1-3 years. Then I would need to get them redone because they fade.

I saw a patient at work the other day that got a lip tattoo when she was 18 that was only supposed to last 6 months (it said bitch👀😂🤦‍♀️) . When I met her it had been 20+ years! I am really glad I like them in case they end up being permanent! I will have fancy eyebrows when I am 90.

Here it the before and after that the person who did them took. You can see the completely healed after pics in any future pictures of myself!

Emilee’s Last Year of Single Digits

Emi turned nine this month! Nine years since that little girl joined us two weeks early and and scared me to death by not making a peep when she was born. Once the doctors were convinced she was ok just content then gave her to me and she snuggled right back into a ball on my tummy like she had been for the last nine months but now was in the outside world.

She is a fun, joyful girl. She loves to play, work is always for later. She has been asking for a horse for the past few months. I told her that she wouldn’t be getting a horse for her birthday but she could pick a fun non-living present and still have a great birthday. She said, “That’s fine, I’ll just ask Santa for the horse next month for Christmas.” 🤦‍♀️

She voted to have spaghetti and three kinds of ice cream for her birthday dinner. She had a horse riding lesson the day of her birthday which couldn’t have worked out better. After her lesson Reese came home with us and ate dinner and they played the rest of the evening.

She decided to have a sleep over with a few of her friends to celebrate that weekend. There was six girls total including Emilee. Two of them stayed late instead of sleeping over and it felt like no less than 10 girls at all times. Emilee thought it was a fun successful party which is what counts. Grandma Terry let her pick a few crafts that the girls could do. She had a painting project, an ornament project and a diamond dots project. They were all a big hit. They had pizza for dinner and watched Space Jam while eating as much popcorn as they could. Emilee voted for ice cream only instead of cake and wanted one candle. After all that they opened presents and then played games and entertained themselves until 12:30 in the morning. I know because I was in the next room waiting for them to fall asleep. The next morning while we ate pancakes they talked about how awesome it was that they stayed up all night long.

Yes, those are my Christmas decorations in the background of the pictures. We needed some Christmas early this year!

The Annual Race

The yearly race between Matthew and Ryan usually is on Matthew’s birthday. This year was delayed a few weeks due to one or the other of them not being in the optimal health they wanted to be in to participate in the race. Finally they both had a day with no tweaked muscles, lingering coughs, enough sleep the night before, and their lucky pair of socks were clean. Their excuses were a little ridiculous.

There was a bit of an upset this year. They had the first race and Matthew won. Uncle Ross happened to be filming them at the start and after Matthew’s celebration at winning showed that Matthew had false started and the race was thrown out.

They waited a few minutes until both agreed they could expend the full amount of energy needed for a second race. With explanations of what a false start was and was not still going between them they lined up again for the race that the winner gets a full year of bragging rights as the fastest Terry.

The second race ended with a photo finish. Ryan was half a step ahead and his knee crossed the line first. Matthew was a semi- gracious loser and told him to enjoy his last year of beating him because it won’t happen again. I don’t have the video Ross had of their start, I did see it though and it was a false start.

This is the official race.
Photo Finish

It is ALREADY November!!

We started November off by going to a Chief’s football game. They had a Monday night home game so we got tickets and went and had fun. It was my first professional football game. The environment is a little rough at football games so we didn’t take the girls. We met Ross and Ethan and Steve and a few other people there and did some tail gating with Q39 BBQ. The weather was pretty cold but the rain and wind stopped so it wasn’t to bad. They started the game with a team of paratroopers landing on the field. It was pretty awesome.

A friend at church sent me this picture of Matthew and his buddies at church. They are a good group of kids and have a lot of fun together.

This is a picture of Ryan and Sherrie from Austin’s wedding that he went to in August.

Emilee had her 3rd grade musical at school. They sang pirate songs. Emilee requested to not have a speaking part. She was also insistent that she was not going to dress up. We tried a few different times to convince her to wear even just an eye patch but she wouldn’t budge. She was excited to sing the songs just not feeling the dressing up part I guess.

Allison had her first 6th grade orchestra concert. She was thrilled that the whole family and Grandma and Grandpa Terry came to watch her. She started playing the cello this year. She is picking it up pretty well and has a lot of fun in orchestra. She likes being and “Orch Dork” as they all call themselves.

Matthew cut his chin open while he was wrestling with some friends. The mom called and told me she thought he would need stitches. We called a friend who is an oral surgeon and asked him if he could stitch him up for us instead of going to an ER at 10pm at night. He is an awesome friend and had us meet him at his office. He numbed Matthew up and 9 stitches later we were done and back at home in less time then it would have taken to fill out the paperwork at the ER.

Several years after we were married, Ryan asked me why I thought it was so funny to mismatch his socks all the time. I had no idea what he was talking about. Apparently, I am not good at matching white socks together and more often then not, I put wrong socks together. Over the years I have tried to work on this issue but haven’t had a huge improvement according to Ryan. It is funny. I always think I matched them all correctly but every now and then he shows me the pair he pulls out and they are clearly not a match. I fold socks last so maybe I am just done with laundry by the time I get to them. The other day Ryan was out of town for work and sent me a picture of the socks he put on that morning at the hotel. HAHA! I guess general color was my only criteria when I was folding socks last week! My sock matching disability has spread beyond just white socks.

All of us took turns passing a cold around that took a few days to recover from. Emilee is always cuddly but even more so when she is sick and dad loves it when he gets extra Emilee snuggling time. He was reading a book to her to help her rest and she fell asleep.

Allison didn’t make it because she was at gymnastics but for the last activity of the year, the primary activity girls went to Main Event and went bowling together. Emilee was the bowler to beat!

Halloween 2021

We had another successful Halloween at our house this year. As our usual plans we had the McDonald’s over. Our cousins joined us this year too. Ryan made the witch’s brew, I picked up pizzas the day before from Papa Murphy’s. I went rogue and got a hamburger pizza instead of our usual cheese. It didn’t go over well. Hamburgers are good, hamburger pizza is not. It was a good thing we had trick or treating to distract us.

We had a slow, medium, and fast group again. Our fast group is old enough to go ahead on their own. The dads keep track of the medium speed group and the moms stay with the slowest group. It was a fun evening with family and friends.


I came home the other day and the kids were all carving their pumpkins. They had a great time and the pumpkins all looked good. We put them out on the porch.

It was nice they all had fun and even nicer they did it all on their own and I didn’t have to degut any pumpkins. The only issue is there was still two weeks until Halloween when they carved them. I have been told, ‘Don’t you dare throw our Halloween pumpkins away before Halloween!” I already have one mark against me for having ‘cutesy’ Halloween decorations instead of ‘make you scream when you see it creepy grotesque’ ones. So I have agreed to let them continue to mold and decay into a pile of mush (with the caveat that they have to move them to the trash themselves the day after Halloween and clean up any mess left behind) but I will also take photographs to remind them why we wait until right before Halloween to carve the pumpkins.

Primary Program

The best Sunday program of the year is coming up in our ward next week! The Primary Program. Ryan and I are helping. It is Allison’s last program before she goes to young women. Emilee still has a few years to go. Matthew will be watching us from the audience. The girls and I took a picture while we were practicing.

Wax or Candy?

When we were in Florida, I believe it was the Cazier family that bought some candy corn. When they were trying to open the bag up my mom made the comment that she didn’t know people bought candy corn on purpose. She thought it was just crap candy people handed out at Halloween and in turn everyone threw it away once they got home.

This of course started a debate among us all as to if we liked or didn’t like candy corns. I fall on the side of it is crap candy, but if I remember right it was about a little more than half of us that eat them on purpose and sometimes even spend their own money on them. To each there own!

Today in ward council the bishop had a bag of candy corn he had bought for his daughter at her request. She tried one and said he could have them back. In her defense these particular candy corns were worse than normal ones. See for yourself below. Disgusting.

Flavors include mashed potato, turkey, green bean, cranberry sauce, stuffing, apple pie, and coffee.

We Have A 15 Year Old!

Matthew was able to successfully turn 15 this month. We were in Florida for his actual birthday and per his desires he went fishing in the ocean with his dad for his birthday. They were supposed to wake up at 5am to make it to the place they needed to meet their fishing guide by 7am. Ryan happened to wake up and check the time at 6:45 am. He turned his alarm off in his sleep instead of waking up. They were a little late.

Despite that, they both had a great time-even Ryan who does not like fishing. That trip was our gift to him. He also got some fishing supplies and money to buy fishing things from grandparents and siblings.

Allison literally gave him ‘his very own underwear’ which is featured in the picture above. It had his already owned underwear in it.