My Awesome Husband

Ryan has been working at his company now for almost 11 years. He is the first employee they hired and him and the two owners have now grown to 40 employees. For the past year he has been expanding his role and wearing two hats. He has done his regular job in business development but has been helping new business development people learn their roles and the business. The owner and him have been working out the details for a bit and last week he made it official and made Ryan the VP of Business Development! He has several jobs that he is going to finish he has already gotten started but then he will transition to the new position full time. He is pretty excited about it. I am proud of his hard work and his drive to improve and develop his career and provide for his family. He is a good man, I am a lucky lady. He took Allison Christmas shopping this afternoon and went hitting with Matthew at the batting cages. He tickled and wrestled around with Emilee and took me out on a date last night after the ward Christmas party. I love that he loves his family and purposefully spends time with us together and individually. I know he enjoys his job but has been stressed and extra busy at work the past few months. He leaves it at the door when he gets home and lets all of us know he loves us and likes to be with us and spend time with us. I have been feeling extra appreciative of him lately.

This is a screen shot of an email I was sent through linked in. šŸ˜Š


This year was a quieter Thanksgiving. It was a great Thanksgiving. We switch off families each year, it was my families turn. Sometimes we have a get together sometimes we don’t. Everyone ended up doing their own thing this year. We stayed here in Olathe. Roger and Rhonda were here too so we ate with them. Roger did the turkey, Rhonda did the rolls and pies, I did the rest of the sides. It was a delicious meal followed by good visiting, naps, games, and leftovers. The rest of the weekend was low key too. It isn’t very often that we have nothing going on and can just relax and enjoy hanging out together. We played games, did a little Christmas shopping, put up Christmas decorations, and made some holiday treats.

Allison and I were making hot chocolate mixing spoons to hand out to people. She found a mold for teeth while we were doing it and made some pretty realistic looking chocolate dentures.

As usual once Thanksgiving is here the holiday season takes off and there are parties, events, service opportunities, and holiday traditions to do almost every night. It is a wonderful time of year.

Emilee Hits Double Digits

The youngest child in our family had her golden birthday, which is also her first double digit birthday this year. Ten years old! So crazy to think she has been with us for 10 years. I remember her first night with us. She joined us a little before 5 in the morning and didn’t make a peep. I was very worried but the doctors assured me she was fine and healthy. Then she snuggled into a ball and slept on my stomach where she spent the first nine months of her life, just now on the outside instead of inside.

She wanted to have a party with some friends for her 10th birthday. With the move from our home to our rental I was a little off the ball and didn’t get something booked in time for her birthday. We managed to figure something out though. She invited her besties Reese, Cambrie, Millie, and Jovee to have pizza followed by laser tag and a ropes course up in the air at Main Event. Matthew and his girlfriend Campbell came with me to help supervise and make sure everyone was having fun. After that we all piled into the car and came back to our house. We had ice cream cake, opened presents and played games until it was time for pick up. It was a successful 10th birthday.

Shortly after her birthday Emilee had her first piano recital. She has been playing for about a year now. She goes through periods of willingness and enthusiasm to play. I am encouraging her to stick with it long enough to get to the point she really gets it and can play things on her own. I think she will really like it. She had been planning on playing a song from Wicked for her recital. I guess her teacher had told her to switch songs the last week to one she was more comfortable with. I didn’t know though so I had her practice the Wicked song and she never practiced the original. So she played it for the first time in over a week at her recital. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø She still did fine and it was a good experience for her. She is learning she can do hard things. She is now playing Christmas music which has re-excited her to play more. I think if I can get her through one more year she will be hooked and realize it is fun.

November was also Emilee’s 4th grade musical performance. She has never been a fan of these yearly performances. Matthew was fine with whatever was assigned to him. Allison always wanted the biggest part and went all out on her costume. Emilee tries to tell me she is sick the day of everyone. She always turns down a speaking part and will not dress up. Since she is tall she is usually on the back row. This year she was next to a very enthusiastic boy that was all in for all the song actions. Emilee tried to melt into the person on the other side of her and looked like she was wishing to be anywhere but where she was at. Since she didn’t want a speaking part her teacher had her play the xylophone for one of the songs. She did her best to look miserable the whole time. When she saw me recording her she couldn’t help a little smile sneak out. Such a funny girl.

Allison Wraps Up Wrestling

Allison ended up deciding she liked wrestling. It is a really quick and intense season but she liked it. She won her very first match of the season then had a bit of a rough patch then finished the season by winning her weight division in her last match. She is planning on wrestling next year too.

As she was finishing wrestling she was also getting ready for her first gymnastic meet of the season. The season always starts off with the Chalk Up Meet. She started off pretty good. Her scores were Beam: 8.4 Floor: 8.8 Bars: 8.05 Vault: 8.8.

Allison is going to try out for the play next semester. I am so impressed and proud that she is willing to try so many different things. She is our social little butterfly. She is a good friend too. One of her friends had to put her dog down so Allison and another friend in their group got a little gift for her and surprised her by dropping it off with a little song and dance they made up. They did a good job cheering her up.

She doesn’t like to draw attention to it but Allison has a big loving heart. I was watching her the other day. She is a beautiful, caring, loving, talented, artistic, smart girl. She is becoming a kind young women. I am excited to see how she continues to grow and develop and what she decides to do with her life. She has a bright future ahead of her.

Something We Never Expected

This is the third year of doing the Primary Program for Sacrament meeting. The first year was COVID and we just did a video. The last two years have been more traditional versions. The kids learn the songs all year and we help them come up with their parts about a month before the program. We practice everyone’s parts and singing together the two weeks before we do it for the whole congregation. We had a Saturday practice the day before this year as well. The kids were doing great and excited to show their parents and the people they invited.

Once it was time to start the kids came up front and found their spots and things were going along great. About 15 minutes in I noticed a rustling of noise starting and kids seemed to be losing their focus a bit. I was trying to figure out what was going on and I saw one of the boys point at something. I look up to where he is pointing and there are two baby mice running along the ledge of the light facet around the room. Once one of them noticed it took about 20 seconds for word to spread to all the kids on the stage. Our music leader was able to get there attention and the teachers up with the kids on the stand helped them refocus. We continued on with their program.

The mice were not done exploring though. They were jumping and skipping along the edge. The audience also started to notice and we lost several of them because they ran out crying. One of the mice got a little to crazy and fell from the ledge right down the wall. He was at the back of the room and started working his way up the pews on the floor. We lost a few more audience members. I was in the very front row and could tell my Sunbeam class teacher was not ok with a mouse getting anywhere near her. She was sitting by her husband and he was trying to help her relax. At one point when the people right behind me gave a little jump indicating the mouse had reached their pew she stood up to exit. Her husband put his arm around her shoulder and helped her stay in her seat. The mouse then moved up past me and was headed towards the ramp to get up on the stand. The poor Sunbeam teacher was at the top of the ramp and I new if it got any closer to her she lose her composure completely and no amount of coaxing from her husband or myself would calm her down. So I stood up and walked over to the baby mouse-his ears were bigger than his body- and kicked him under the door. I was very grateful he went out the door instead of up my leg. By this time a few people had gotten a bucket or two and were waiting for it to come out in the hall to catch it. I am now known as the legendary primary president that saved the primary program by literally booting a mouse out the door. Apparently I did it very calmly and people were impressed. I was just glad it was not a snake.

When we are getting ready to do a program, I try and think of all the different situations that could come up and how to handle them so I am prepared for anything 80 kids from 3-11 might throw at me. I never thought of mice showing up and running around. Once the mouse was out of the room, things settled down a little and the kids finished their program and did a great job. Afterwards when we talked about it they thought it was so great they sang and said their parts so well that even the mice came to watch.

Last But Not Least

Emilee has been keeping busy with her activities too. She is still doing piano. She wants to be done with it but I told her she had to get through the lesson book she is on first. She has a recital coming up and she is going to play a song from Wicked that she has been learning.

She is still taking riding lessons and loves it. One of the horses she rides is called Marilyn. She is a shorter horse so when she canters she gets moving pretty good.

She played volleyball this Fall and it was hit or miss if she liked it. Once she was there I think she liked it, getting her there was usually a chore. Especially when it was early on a Saturday.

She loves going to Primary Activity Days. They had a daddy-daughter activity a while ago. They both had a lot of fun building this tower together. It was a contest to see who could build the biggest sturdiest tower in a certain amount of time. They were the winners. Dad’s engineering heart was so proud.

Always Trying Something New

One of the things I admire about Allison is she is willing to try new things. If she sees something that interests her she jumps right in and gives it a try. At the end of last year she mentioned that she wanted to try wrestling next year. When it came time to sign up she was all over it. No one in our family wrestles and knows much about wrestling. It is a really fast intense season. About 6 weeks long. It takes a lot of time and energy and she says she is really liking it. When we watch her at her meets we have no idea what is going on as far as points but we still cheer her on and we know if she pins someone or she gets pinned that is the match. We learn a little more each time. The video of her wrestling starts after two rounds that had already timed out. Both the girls were getting pretty tired. Allison won the battle of grit. This is her first pin in a match.

Allison went to the Fall dance at school with a few of her friends this year. There wasn’t a lot of dancing but there was a lot of socializing. She thought it was great.

She is continuing with the Orchestra this year as well. The middle school went to the high school and they did a joint concert together for Halloween. They could dress up if they wanted. They are getting good enough now that it is really enjoyable to listen to them play. In the video Alison is right in the center of the screen. She is the second on in on her row.

For one of her Young Women Activities we went to the Garmin building and the girls got to fly a flight simulator. Allison crashed when it was her turn.

While We Were Moving

Of course while we were getting ready to sell our house and move into the rental, the rest of life continued on. Each of the kids had a busy Fall.

Matthew played Fall Ball. He had a fun season and he and his team participated in several fun tournaments and even one of placed in the finals for a few of them. Several of their tournaments were on college fields, including KU. The boys thought it was pretty cool to play on a D1 field.

As baseball was slowing down in October, Matthew filled his time with other activities. He turned 16. I am a pretty lucky momma. He is a good son. He is becoming a good man too. Things were a little chaotic on his birthday but he made the most of it. Most of his desires focused around the food he wanted to eat. He had smoothies, chic-fil-a, and sushi and for his cake- as always a Cookie Cake. He spent some time hanging out with Campbell and sometime hanging out with his buddies. He asked the family if we would go to Top Golf for his birthday. We all went and had a good time. Emilee and Matthew were pretty good golfers. Allison and I have some work to do. Anyone that asked what he wanted was told fishing stuff. He got several mystery tackle boxes and he loved it. Grandma texted him thinking it was me asking about his present. He sent me a screen shot and thought it was pretty funny. Grandma messed with him a little and gave him gummy worms and fish as a tackle box before she gave him the real one. He thought it was pretty funny.

Matthew took Campbell to Homecoming. There was a group of them going together and the day of all the other boys changed their minds. Matthew was a good sport about it. They took pictures before and then went to the football game. After the game they went to the dance and then played games at one of the girls house afterwards. I am very appreciative that Matthew finds good friends to hang out with. Campbell does too. He has found the groups that don’t want to drink and party. They have fun and enjoy each others company.

Saving the best for last. We were all hanging out in the living room one night and I noticed that Matthew kept admiring himself in the mirror and pretty pumped about his muscles. I was able to get a short video of it without him noticing.

We Made A Big Decision

I have mentioned before that we found some land and decided to build a house earlier this year. We were planning on living in our house until the new house was built and then sell. The market for selling houses has been crazy high and houses sell fast the past few months. We have been watching it and it hasn’t started to go down but it has definitely plateaued. That started making us nervous that by the time we were ready to sell our house next Spring our Fall the market would have dropped and we wouldn’t make as much equity as we wanted to. We talked about it with our realtor and thought about it for a few weeks. We decided we would regret it if we didn’t at least try and sell it this Fall and get what we want. If we didn’t get our asking price we wouldn’t sell and could try again in the Spring. If prices drop we at least tried. If we got what we were asking then we make a nice profit and finances are a little easier for the next year.

So September 6th we officially decided to put our house on the market ASAP. Pictures were scheduled to be taken on the 14th and it would list on the 16th. I immediately started ‘staging’ the house. We got a storage unit and packed all the clutter and things we won’t need for awhile away. About the second day into my week to prepare I got sick. It ended up being COVID. The first time I have had COVID to my knowledge. I would say my symptoms-flu like- were moderate. I didn’t really have time to be sick so I would clean, pack, and organize until I had to rest for bit then lay down for 20-30 minutes until I could work some more. It was pretty miserable. My family helped a little but Ryan was traveling a lot, the kids were at school and had after school activities so most of it was left to me. I got it done and pictures were taken and turned out great. We went live with our listing on a Friday. We had three showings schedule for that day. The night before Emilee said she wasn’t feeling well so she stayed home. She was much better Friday but I kept her home just in case. Friday when I was going through and making sure the house was ready to show to the people coming in less than an hour, I went into Matthew’s room and found him still in bed. He said he was sick. He had caught COVID from me like Emilee did. I told him he had to get up and we could go sleep at Grandpa’s for the day. He said he couldn’t move and he would just lay their quietly while people walk through. He was disappointed that was not an option. The two sicko’s and I made it to Grandma’s house. They were put in bed and confined to the basement. We got two good offers Friday. When one of the offers heard we had gotten another offer, they countered their own offer and raised it to an even better offer. We decided to accept it and took the house of the market and cancelled the rest of our showings that weekend. Keeping a house ‘show ready’ with three kids and a big picture not detail oriented husband is not easy. It was a huge blessing to sell it so quickly. I can’t imagine having to do it for weeks or months.

It was mid September when we sold it. We had until November 1st to move out. I had looked at a few apartments and houses to rent in anticipation of selling our house. Ryan and I went and looked at a few of them that same weekend. We wanted to stay fairly close to were we were at and pay less than our current mortgage. We were a little concerned when we saw the first few in the price range we wanted to stay. We ended up finding one that was three miles from our old house and had just had a lot of updates and you could tell the owners take good care of it. We applied to rent and by the middle of the following week we were approved and could move in October 1st.

We decided to stay in our home as long as possible. When I wasn’t working or doing the usual kids activities or maintaining our own house, laundry and meals I spent the rest of my time cleaning the rental and taking car loads of things over. It was helpful to have more time to go through everything and really get rid of things that we didn’t need or box things up in storage that we can live without for a year. We had some friends help us load the smaller items and boxes in a U-haul a week before the movers came and brought the bigger furniture and heavy items. Ryan was traveling a lot for work so most of it I did on my own. It was very stressful and I was exhausted non-stop. I wanted to enjoy the last few weeks in our house too. I did my best to remind myself to not be grumpy when I was tired and help the kids enjoy their last month too. It was a good house for us. Despite the builder ripping out the staircase the day before we moved in and taking a year to fix things that were screwed up on or never finished in the first place, it was a great home for us. We lived there 7 1/2 years. Lots of memories and growing up with our kids happened there. We put a lot of work into it. We didn’t think we would ever move so we made it our forever home.

All of our belongings were moved in on Friday October 28th and we started sleeping at the rental then. I also had the Primary Sacrament Program to practice and do that weekend so we didn’t get much unpacking done. Ryan had the idea to eat one last family dinner together at the house on Saturday night. It was a really nice evening. Allison and I got Subway and everyone else got sushi. We met at the house and had a nice meal together. Ryan had told everyone to think of some of their favorite memories to share with each other. Once we started sharing we started remembering more and more things. We talked about Christmas mornings, nerf gun games we played, Easter egg hunts, things that got broken (some that Ryan and I knew about, some we didn’t), funny moments-Allison ‘accidentally’ calling 911. Allison evacuating the family including the guinea pigs when the fire alarm went off. Dad responding to a question of Emilee’s over the Alexa and farting, Alexa catching it and announcing his answer and his fart to the whole house. Matthew hiding under his bathroom sink in the cabinet for over an hour and the rest of us not being able to find him. We had a really nice night reminiscing and remembering the good times and memories we made together.

We still owned the house until November first so we decided to do one more of the traditions we had started in our home. Each year for Halloween since we moved in the McDonald family has come over on Halloween to celebrate with us. We have pizza and witch’s brew (home made root beer with dry ice) for dinner. Then the kids get in their costumes, we leave a bowl of candy on the porch and we go trick or treating. The past couple years Ross and Lauren have joined us as well. Over the years we have had 2-3 groups that form based on how fast they move between houses. This year the older girls went on their own. The dads followed the faster group of middle aged kids, and the moms went with Linnea the youngest. She makes it around the little block of streets and then is done. We can then go home and hand out any candy that is left and warm up and relax at the house until the other groups make it back. As they trickle in there is a giant candy swap in the living room. Sometimes we play a game, or sometimes we just visit until its time to go home.

There was no furniture (or kitchen supplies) in the house this year so we ate pizza but bought root beer instead of making it. The empty living room was loved by all of the kids because they could really spread out for the candy swap. It was a fun night and a good way to have our last night in that house. When we loaded the last few things into the car to leave for the last time Ryan and I walked through the house one more time and turned off the lights for the last time. It was a little sad but we are excited to start the next adventure in our lives.

Somehow on google maps our house pulls up as Matthew Terry’s house. I am sure it will get changed at some point but I took a picture for nostalgia purposes.

We have 11 months left on the lease at our rental. They are pouring the foundation for our new house any day now. Hopefully between now and then we have a finished house to move into. We hope it will be our last move- EVER and we want to make it so that it will fit our lives from now, until we are empty nesters, until are kids come visit with their own families and until we are old and want to just stay at home, until we don’t need a home anymore.

We Have A Third Driver!

We have been keeping an eye out for a good car for Matthew to use. Right now a used car is worth a lot more than it actually is worth so it is hard to find a decent reliable car for a decent price. Kenny said he would find us one, he is a mechanic so he knows a lot more about cars than we do. He found us one and Ryan and I decided to make a weekend of it to go out to Florida and bring it home. We flew out on Labor Day weekend. We spent a few hours in Tampa and had lunch with my parents and the French’s. Then we began our trek home.

Halfway through its final drive from Florida to Kansas, unbeknownst to us, it would never complete a drive again without some mechanical issues.

It felt like we were in college again, going on a trip and not knowing if we would make it in our 2011 well used Hyundai Sonata. About 20 minutes into our drive the check engine light came on. We called Kenny and he said if it wasn’t flashing and it seemed to be driving ok then we could keep going. So we did. The first night we stopped in Atlanta Georgia. The next day we drove a couple hours to Nashville Tennessee. Ryan had been there for work before and thought it was a fun place. I have wanted to go but never been. Once we got there we checked into a hotel right across from the Country Music Hall of Fame Museum. We spent the rest of the day exploring Nashville.

We went through the museum which was ok. I like country music but I am not a crazy fan of anyone in particular. We also went on a tour of Studio C. It is one of the original recording studios from the 1940’s. It was pretty cool. Hundreds of singers had recorded there over the years. Including Elvis Presley. The last part of the tour was in a room that he recorded a lot of his hits in. They told us about a typical recording session with him and his band. There was a broken cabinet that Elvis kicked one night and a panel came off. The piano was original too. I thought is was a cool tour. The rest of the evening we wandered around and did a little shopping. I wanted to find some cowboy boots but didn’t have any luck. It is a very friendly town. Of course at night there is endless live music to listen to. It was pretty awesome. It was all kinds of music too, not just country. There was a lot of talent.

The next morning we drove the rest of the way home. We dropped the car off at the mechanic we use to figure out why the engine light was on. I scheduled a detail for it because it was pretty gross inside and we looked forward to having a third car and driver to get people all the places we seem to need to go.

Fast forward six weeks and we found ourselves trading the Sonata in for a newer car that actually works. After getting it back from the mechanic, we found ourselves in a very frustrating and irritating cycle of getting the car from the mechanic, paying a couple hundred dollars to fix something then bringing it home to have it break again within two days and be taken in for another week to be fixed. It would randomly die sometimes. One of those times Matthew was backing out of our driveway and it died. He had no power steering or breaks and our driveway is a hill so he continued to roll when died. He rolled right into our neighbors nanny’s car. That was kind of the last straw for me. It is stressful enough to put your son who has basically no driving experience in a car and send him off on his own. To send him in a car I didn’t trust and proved many times it could create dangerous situations was nerve racking. On top of that, we were in the process of selling our house (more on that later) and by November 1st Matthew would be the girls and his ride to and from school so we had to have a working reliable safe car for him.

The car Matthew rolled into when his died unexpectedly. It looks like it isn’t that bad but that stupid dent cost more than $5000 to fix.

I decided to go through a dealership. I know I pay more money that way but if something goes crazy wrong I know where to go and have some sort of warranty and accountability with it, unlike a private seller. After some research I found a 2015 Honda Accord. They were willing to take the Sonata for more then a few other car places had offered me for it so that was nice. I did not want to sell it privately or have it sitting around reminding me how stupid it was, I didn’t have the time or patience for that. Two birds with one stone. We didn’t tell Matthew because we didn’t know if we were actually going to find a car or not. It was a nice surprise for him. He loves it and it has been so helpful for him to be able to get himself places and sometimes the girls. Game changer.

The new car. Matthew said he will probably name it but he hasn’t decided on one yet.