Christmas Eve was a big family dinner at the Terry Homestead (AKA Grandpa and Grandma Terry’s). The highlights of the meal for me were ham and rolls and corn and pies. We read the Christmas story and watched a new church video about the Nativity. We sang a few songs and the kids opened their new Christmas pajamas to sleep in.
We slept and woke up in our own home then returned to Grandma’s to open a few more presents with them. Ross made some coffee cake for breakfast (its actually cinnamon flavor not coffee, but it is meant to eat with coffee so it is called coffee cake). The rest of the day was spent playing with the new toys, eating left overs, and enjoying each others company.
In the past we had told the kids they couldn’t wake us up before 6:30. Every year without fail and the help of NO alarm clock they have woken up on the dot at 6:30 ready to open presents. We hadn’t reviewed this protocol with the kids the night before, everyone was pretty tired and we thought we would wake up when they did and let them sleep in a bit if they did. I woke up on my own at 6:25 and all was quiet. I laid in bed enjoying the morning coziness. (Have you ever noticed in the morning when it is time to get out of bed, all of the sudden your bed gets more warm and cozy?! It is like it is begging you to stay in it.) At 6:29 I was thinking maybe I could read a book or something for a bit but just like past years at 6:30 one of the kids popped up out of bed and all three of them were in our room dragging us out before the clock hit 6:31.
Allison got a new book case for her room that she wanted and a beam to practice her gymnastics on at home from Santa. She got some cute new clothes, and good smelling girly pampering things. Ryan and I were stumped on what to give her then decided to do an indoor skydiving experience for her. She was very thrilled.
Matthew got an xbox that can handle all his games and updates from Santa. He got a wallet and a few new sweatshirts. He debated for a while to ask Ryan and I for new air pods. In January of 2020 he bought his own with his own money and by March they were lost. He and I both searched the house and couldn’t find them and they haven’t turned up since. He said if he asked for them he knew his old ones would turn up but he decided to ask for new ones. That is what we gave him and when he opened them and the case with a clip so he didn’t lose them he was very happy and said “Watch, my lost ones will turn up within a week.” Fast forward about three days, we had everyone over at our house for dinner and games. Uncle Jake was in the study and when he stood up he felt something on the back of the couch. He found a pair of air pods. He showed Allison and she said they were Matthew’s. The next morning I found them on the counter and called Matthew to come take care of them and ask why they weren’t in his case with the clip. When he walks into the kitchen he is wearing his air pods in his ears, so the ones I was holding were the long lost air pods. So after looking for a year, three days after buying new ones, Jake found the original air pods and Matthew’s prediction of finding the old ones within a week came true. Aaaahhh! Allison and I are now sharing the old ones and Matthew has the new ones he got for Christmas.
Emilee got a new bike and a toy horse trailer from Santa. She was thrilled and rode it around the block many times despite the freezing cold temperatures. Ryan and I gave her several ‘little toys’ because she loves playing with little tiny objects. She was also hoping the family would get some virtual reality goggles to play games with and we did so she was very excited to try play with them too.
Ryan got some accessories for his smoker (and his smoker). I got a 9mm hand gun and a bunch of passes to the range. I take my conceal carry course in February.
The kids and I went to the store and they all did some shopping for each other and any friends or family they wanted to. Matthew got his girlfriend, Emilee, and me a present. Emilee got grandma a present. Allison got everyone that would be there Christmas morning a gift. She is a sweet girl and gift giving is one of her love languages. She lit up watching people open their gifts from her and they were all thoughtful gifts.
It was a fun magical day as Christmas is supposed to be.